
Jellyfish Forecast

Can we use observational data to accurately forecast jellyfish populations?

Why this matters

Changing species populations is one clear way to track the impact of climate change in the Gulf of Maine. Some scientists have hypothesized that the changing currents and temperatures in the Gulf may favor jellyfish over the species commonly found here today.

  • Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences


Jellyfish Forecast

We hope that you use this website to report when and where you see jellyfish. We are equally interested in observations made from shore and from ship. We even want to know about jellyfish washed up on beaches or other shoreline.

Season: primarily summer Jellyfish can be found year-round in the Gulf of Maine.

Required training


Printable Resources to take into the field:

If you're new to the project or you do not want to collect data on your phone, we suggest that you print out the "Data sheet with instructions." This 2-page document provides instructions on what observations you need to make, images to help you identify species, and a place to make notes.

To submit data to the project, simply click on the "Contribute" tab above and transfer your notes and upload your pictures into the electronic form, or enter these directly from the field.

Required materials:

  • A way to record data (printed sheets or smartphone)

Suggested materials:

  • Digital camera (a cell phone camera is fine; an underwater camera is excellent)

Safety guidelines

Don’t touch the jellyfish. Lion’s mane jellyfish in particular can sting.

Tips for completing the jelly forecast datasheet

  • We really hope you use the field notes to tell us about what you saw. Don't hold back.
  • Pictures are not required.
  • Species identifications are not required (but they can be satisfying!)

For more information on this project, please contact Dr. Nick Record of Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences at

Project Owners


Nick Record

Senior Research Scientist, Bigelow Laboratory

View Bio

Project Partners

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences